Michele Phua

Director of Finance

How did your family shape your views on work?

I grew up working in my parents’ porcelain shop in SF Chinatown as a young teen where I would help translate for new immigrants. The store and these experiences shaped the fabric of my family's role in the community and the undeniable strong bond in my family. We value hard work, laughter, and the need to pay it forward.

Favorite quote or saying?

“At the end of the day, at the end of the week, at the end of my life, I want to say I contributed more than I criticized.” - Brené’ Brown

What’s one thing people might not know about you?

I love connecting the dots. If you need a resource, I will do my best to find an answer for you.

What is your favorite hobby/outside of venture, how do you spend your time?

Watercolor, Pickleball, hiking, and connecting the dots

Meditation or yoga?


I joined Redpoint because I wanted to…

I work with a team of incredible people with all of these core values: respect, teamwork, strong work ethics. They will show up for me professionally and personally just as I would show up for them.

The best part of my job is when….

After being here for 20+ years, I am still learning!

People are often surprised to hear that I …

I took a personality test once for a job interview, and I ranked 10 (the highest) in sales and 1 (lowest) in accounting, but I ended up being an accountant.

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